Cardio Training
Cardio Training Classes
Working in circuit consits in performing sifferent exercises, of variable number, organized in stations or locations, always keeping on the best speed of execution. It can be established a certain number of repetitions for each station or it can be established a fixed time for each location.
Training circuit combines in a perfect way the training of aerobic power (that is to say how much oxygen you can used in a minute by an individual) with the endurance to power and speed. This kind of work is very appropriate in training with aerobic and anaerobic disciplines.


Are you interested in Cardio Training Course? Contact us!
Where to find us
Via Dei Cipressi – 1 53036 Poggibonsi (SI)
E-mail: palestraoxigym@gmail.com
Phone: 0577980549
WhatsApp: 3922246957